Here is a strange little trick I learnt and taught my friends: note that, however, I have only tried it on Mac. I will try it myself and try to summarize it to when I get the time I haven't tried all of these things so just be careful to not delete anything you don't want to, but I hope any of this helps! - Seems like yet another thing for Steam to add to their list. *If you do end up backing up then unsubscribing from your addons, you can set to display 30 items per page, and also try this js in your browser, open Developer Tools (f12) then enter this in the Console: (function())() This unsubscribes you from all the addons on the page at once - so make sure you are filtering by Gmod and have backups of the addons (.gma's) I tried deleting all the info from this file too but because of it takes lower priority, it gets "refilled" instantly. I'm not sure this will work though because steam pulls your subscribed addon info before listening to this file, but you could always try. Working with "appworkshop_4000.acf", you could also try to set all of the "NeedsDownload" instances to "0".

You could try backing them up from your "garrysmod" directory and a file called "appworkshop_4000.acf" I'm sure many people have many pages of addons, making this possibly a huge pain to do, but is the only other thing I can think of right now.

Then like 15 seconds after I closed the game it hit me how dumb I was! I was over thinking it and it's simple just put it in the normal Rimworld Mod folder. Back to Sendowl for me! Which I plan to use Sendowl anyhow for the most part because I can make each folder of the game standalone and have multiple games going at the same time with independent mod and save folders. thought to myself well I guess the Steam users are ****ed they can't use regular mods not from Steam Workshop sucks for them.

Thank you Snownova I did the same exact thing. I've found the workshop/content folder, but when I copy the mod into the folder it doesn't show up in my game.ĮDIT: Figured it out, not the workshop folder but the common/Rimworld/Mods folder. How do I do this in reverse? I want to include a mod downloaded from the forum in my steam Rimworld game.